Using competitive analysis, we present several competitive algorithms to externally inspect a convex polygon, the best of which achieves an improved competitive factor of ~14.14.
Journal: Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry
Published: August 2020
Using tweets from viewers of the 2017 solar eclipse that occurred over the continental United States, we investigate the use of natural language processing techniques to predict whether an arbitrary Twitter user is view the eclipse, given their tweet's content
Journal: Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing
Published: May 2019
We apply convolutions and products of distributions (in the Schwartz sense) to solve integral and differential equations using the Mattag-Leffler function.
Journal: MDPI
Published: June 2018
Several definitions of convolutions in the distributional sense are presented which are both in agreement and simpler than previous definitions. Presented definitions also provide a natural derivative of fractional derivatives.
Journal: Advances in Analysis
Published: April 2018
Relations among convolutional definitions and the fractional derivative of distributions.
Journal: MDPI
Published: April 2018
We use Bobenko's approach and fractional integrals in the distributional sense to solve Abel's integral equation of the second kind.
Journal: MDPI
Published: February 2018
The use of several classification techniques to classify comments on the popular website reddit as being either sarcastic or not.
Released: December 2018