PLOVER (Public health Lab Operations Data ViEwer and Reporter) is a web-based application that I help develop as a software developer at the BCCDC. It is used by health authorities and researchers within the province of BC for tracking data related to various viruses and organisms such as COVID-19.
Acting with our development team I've assisted in the creation and maintenance of several applications (creating database tables and views/controllers for handling web logic) as well as designing systems to monitor the integrity of data we process, using techniques such as natural language processing and artificial intelligence.
The latest Covid-19 numbers in Canada by province. Displays cumulative case counts, vaccine distributions, and 7-day averages of cases for the previous 4 weeks.
Built using React with the Material UI library and the open covid API. Formerly hosted with AWS' S3.
A React application that uses the OpenWeather API to fetch the weather of the city entered by the user. In addition to this the app displays the temperature of nearby cities and displays it using a map generated by Leaflet.js. See the code here.
What better way to understand web development than to attach your very own website to the skills you learn? The previous version of this site was a Django application that supported a blog functionality and hosted with AWS' Elastic Beanstalk and RDS products. I am in the process of reworking the site to be API based with hosting the site elsewhere and have migrated it to a static version for the time being.
The static version is build with Bootstrap 5 and small bits of custom CSS and JS. The next version will be built with Django REST Framework for the server-side and React for the client side.
A collaboration between ACDGO systems and the Brandon University computer science department, my classmates and I developed a system in which users could transfer files from their personal devices to a server located in their home or business, much how cloud services work today. This project occurred over an eight month period as an undergraduate and was my first experience with developing a "real" project.
Our prototype consisted of an Android app in which users would transfer files to their server that was powered by Apache's Tomcat framework written in Java.